Website Rewrite—Client/Leads Landing Page

The Website Rewrite

Be clear, be understood, be rewarded.

Your website looks great but doesn’t get you leads and you don’t know what to do.

Too many websites violate the #2 rule of marketing: Don’t confuse your audience.

People don’t buy from you when they are confused. If a potential client is unsure if you can help solve their problem, they’ll leave your website before finding out.

I stop this from happening by rewriting your website in a way that makes it easy for potential clients to understand the value of your service and take action.

The Result?   More leads.

Why?   Because when businesses start communicating in a very clear, concise, and captivating manner on their website, leads naturally increase. I guarantee it.

Is this you?

  • You know you need to redesign your website but can never find the time (or money).
  • You want immediate, guaranteed results.
  • You’re having trouble putting yourself in your potential client’s shoes and need an outside perspective.
  • Your website isn’t producing leads, you don’t know why, and you’re about to give up on it entirely.

Any of the above hit home?  We should talk.

Get Started

How it works


I learn more about your business in a 1-hour business interview: who you are, how you serve your clients, your target market, your point of view, who your competitors are, why you’re different, etc.


I analyze your website and identify what’s wrong, what’s underperforming, and what’s missing. Findings are presented in a jargon-less report which identifies the mistakes you’re making in particular elements and sections, as well as in the overall scheme of your website, and explains them in detail.


With the knowledge gained in steps 1 & 2, I rewrite your homepage using a proven framework that clearly and concisely communicates 1) what you offer, 2) why it matters, 3) what to expect, 4) why they should trust you, and 5) how to get it.


When I’m finished, you’ll have a wireframe of your homepage with the exact wording that will increase conversions. Copy and paste into your website and watch the leads increase.

As a bonus, I set up Google Analytics for you but with a curated dashboard so it’s easy for you to track your progress and make sense of all that data.

More leads, better leads

After your Website Rewrite, not only will your website generate more leads, but prospects will have a better understanding of what you’re offering. That’s what you actually care about, and that’s what you actually get. Guaranteed.

“That’s the third time you’ve mentioned a guarantee. What do you mean?”

If your raw number of leads or your conversion rate doesn’t increase in the first 30 days, then I give you your money back—no questions asked. It‘s that simple.

“I’ve heard enough. Let’s do this.”

Busy owners like it because...

  • It’s time cheap: 1 hour of your time is all I need and I’ll do the rest.
  • It’s immediate: You’ll be seeing results in the first two weeks.
  • It’s fast: 7-day turnaround time from start to finish.
  • It’s more affordable than a complete redesign.
  • I guarantee results: Again, if your leads don’t increase, you get your money back. Simple as that.

How to get started

  1. Pay using the safe and secure payment portal.
  2. Schedule your 1-hour business interview (as early as tomorrow).
  3. That’s it.

You’ll receive your lead-increasing wireframe in just 7 days.

Website Rewrite


1-hour business interview

Jargon-less report identifying your mistakes

Wireframe of your homepage

Fast delivery (7 days)

More leads guaranteed

Book Your Website Rewrite

(Want to talk with me first? Email me at to set up a phone call or Zoom.)

“Who are you anyway?”

I’m Benjamin Vasko, a recovering philosophy major with a passion for copywriting, typography, and web design. Improving website leads for small business owners using clear, concise, and captivating communication is what I do best. I know first-hand how a steady flow of website leads can impact an owner’s life. It removes stress, provides a sense of security, lets you spend more time with family and friends, gives you the courage to raise your prices, and allows you to hire more employees. No matter what’s driving you, I can help.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will you update my website with the wireframe for me?

    Yes, for an added fee of $299. I am well versed in most website platforms: WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, etc.

  • Why don’t you rewrite the whole website? Why just the homepage?

    The homepage is the most valuable and so it’s the most bang for your buck.

    I do rewrite entire websites and create messaging architecture. If you’re interested, schedule a call here and we can talk more about it.

  • Will you redesign my whole website?

    Yes, I do web design and development as well as copywriting for right-fit clients. If you’re interested, you can schedule a 25-minute meeting here.

Finally ready?

Let’s Get Started
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